Kechi Osondu

The Light Within The Shade

By Kechi Osondu

This is a life-changing book for people whose pain rips them apart from the inside out. It is a book that will bring a new glow and joy to the faces of people with whom it resonates. This is also a book that I wish someone had written many years ago.


The Author

Kechi Osondu is a genius level accountant who was born in Lagos, Nigeria and has lived in the United States since 2007. She has suffered from significant mental illness since she was a teenager, and has risen from many years of this terrible pain, and of being suicidal and ‘unproductive’, to finding peace and solace. She has also found meaning in her trauma, overcoming her symptoms to the point of finding a new purpose in life: that of encouraging and uplifting the mentally ill, their family members and friends, and all who are affected by mental illness.

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