Kechi Osondu

Our Blogs

Living with bipolar disorder

Many people’s understanding of bipolar disorder comes solely from media portrayals. Characters go from extreme depression to euphoria in the blink of an eye; you’ve seen it all before. They cannot keep a job, and their interactions with those closest to them end badly. You get the impression that they are totally out of control. These are the only characteristics that distinguish a person with bipolar disorder. However, the realities of life with bipolar disease for real people may or

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Lend a Helping Hand

Emotional suffering is just as real as physical wounds. When it comes to mental health, however, the suffering is often lonely, deep, dark, and seemingly without end, in contrast to physical pain, where the injury is sometimes evident or physically and behaviorally communicated. Mental illness is a severe problem that is only now getting the attention it deserves. A significant stigma is still associated with mental illness, even though anyone can be affected. As a result of this bias, many

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How To Tell The Difference Between Sadness and Depression?

  There are millions of people all around the world who have felt down or depressed at some point. One can more effectively deal with depression and sadness if one can distinguish between the two. Though sadness and depression go hand in hand, they are distinct experiences. Recognizing the need for treatment is assisted by awareness of the differences.   Sadness vs Depression  Sadness is a natural response to loss, disappointment, difficulties, and other challenging events. Part of being human

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